10:00 - 6:00
Mon - Fri
& Sat
A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery that reshapes the thighs by reducing fat from the thigh. It helps the lower body to look smoother, sharper and has better-proportioned contours and avoids rubbing of medical thights.
Some people chose thigh lift to gain more shapeliness to the thigh and to feel comfortable wearing shorts, jeans, and so on.
A thigh lift removes access fat from the thigh through different types of thigh surgery such as Inner Thigh Lift, Outer thigh Lift, and Vertical thigh Lift.
Dr. Umang Khotari will help you choose the best surgery for you. Below is the procedure for Thigh Lift.
Dr. Umang Kothari has a unique approach towards his patients. He uses the best knowledge and techniques and applies them to address each patient’s aesthetic goals with experienced clinical judgment.
The Hair and Shape Clinic will be with the patient and assist him/her from surgery to recovery.